January 14, 2016

The Eternal Quest

Perhaps the title of this post is a little dramatic, though it seems this hunt has been going on for quite a while. Since Thanksgiving, I've been on the lookout for a nice mid-century media console, not too large and not too small (about 3'6" to 5'0" wide) made of solid, sturdy wood and with shelving below. About two and a half months ago, my parents gave me a record player (a belated birthday gift) and the place I had saved for it on my shelf is too small! And ever since then I've been looking for a larger table. Yet, finding something both within my price range and within that width won't be easy.

A good friend suggested to me that I should make my own. And as I see these high prices I'm more tempted to take his advice. If only I didn't have 20 projects on my plate already!

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