Hello There!

I'm a twenty-some-odd-years-old college student currently residing in sunny California. I quite enjoy it here, hence the blog title.

Perhaps my favorite thing, aside from my doggies Ellie and Cooper, is an a-line dress. Take a peek into my closet and you'll find the wardrobe of a mid-century housewife. (What can I say? I love bright patterns and a full skirt.) A small fraction of my dresses have been self-made and I'm hoping to use this blog to share patterns, sewing tips and tricks, project ideas, recipes, and more.

At the moment I'm studying to be a structural engineer at Cal Poly San Luis Obispo and am a feminist and environmentalist on the side, so there will be the occasional post here-and-there with a combination of the three.

If you have any questions or comments, please contact me at stationarysuitcases@gmail.com .

Photo by Paul Truong.

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